People’s Lives Will Change Dramatically In The Next 50 Years (Cambridge English: FCE Writing Part 2 Practice)

You have had a class discussion on how people’s lives will change in the future. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the following statement:

“People’s lives will change dramatically in the next 50 years.”

With the strong development of the industry today, it is beyond all dispute that the world we live in now has been advancing nonstop day by day. Apparently, there will be a huge distance between people’s lives these days and those in the next half century, especially in terms of education, medical science and entertainment.

Education plays an integral role in everyone’s life, hence always being one of the priorities of every country. Thanks to the utterly immense efforts of educationers and researchers, the pedagogy and studying methods have been continually having imperative steps to higher levels.

As for medical science, the appearance of state-of-the-art technologies and groundbreaking cures, which has been contributing significantly to the asisstance for the doctors to diagnose and address issues concerned with their patients’ health, is an unquestionably solid evidence to ensure impressive enhancement going forward.

Also as a result of the era of technology, entertainment industry is making a considerable improvement. The entertainers has been manufacturing their products on the basis of modern machines and software, which helps them meet the increasing demands of their audiences more efficiently.

In conclusion, people’s lives will have a big and fast change in the next 50 years, of which education, medical science and entertainment are the fundamental representatives. Be that as it may, the advancement needs to be supervised by particular managing machinery as much carefully as possible in order to avoid negative factors as well as to guarantee the inhabitants’ healthy and beneficial lives.

Harry Jackson

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